Senior Portrait Session with Treajure
Meet high school senior Treajure! We tooled around her hometown in Turlock, California as well as Modesto for urban settings to fit her style.
This demure young lady loves fashion, especially vintage fashion from the 80’s and 90’s. Her style icons are Rhianna and ASAP Rocky. She loves the color red and shoes. In fact, she’s not too fond of people stepping on them. Other pet peeves include neediness, sensitive people, conversation in the morning and people who are not straight with her.
Treajure loves good vibes, being with her friends, the Lakers, travelling and summertime. She is an avid reader and enjoys her solitude. Although, she says she is not sure what she wants to do when she grows up, she thinks of her future often and knows that college will be a part of it.
The person Treajure most admires is Gandhi. “There’s really no one else that I look up to besides him,” she said. “I love his views on life and what he stood for.”
Senior Portrait Session with Azsah
I had the pleasure of photographing Azsah for her senior portraits. I spent time with her at her home and walking around downtown Turlock.
Azsah is an aspiring writer and self proclaimed fitness chick. She’d much rather hang out with guys than get too girly yet she has a love of classic style, think the timeless class of Audrey Hepburn, who Azsah admires.
Now, she didn’t just jump up and announce all of this, I had to do some digging. Azsah’s reserved but once she opens up, you’re pleasantly surprised that this taciturn young woman knows herself well and says so with loud grace.
Mel Love
I had the great opportunity to photograph a dear friend, here is Mel Love, wife, mother, activist. A beautiful person inside and out!
When I think of Mel Love, I think of her fiery attitude and her promotion of love and equality. She is an open person, generous and kind but not about to sit back and be silent or complacent. She’s ready to scratch and burn, and yet be peaceful and loving – true to herself and to those who surround her. True style, color, fire, journey and flow.
Thanks Mel Love for being you!
The Crone
I imagine doing the yoga wheel when I want to start over in my life. It’s a feeling of getting rid of everything; memories, pain, shame, my mistakes, regrets. So with age, the crone – wise crone – allows me to do just that.
That old archetype is speaking to me right now. A collective image we all share. Somehow, accessing her, I’m in a new cycle: to turn over the pain of recent loss, age, maturation, all over to the dark, sharp crow.
Thus the crone.
No reason other than to sit for a portrait with my cat
I wanted an old time portrait. The kind of portrait for which great people and families would sit in front of library fireplaces and settees in great rooms.
Sometimes those photos feel sad, stale and lifeless- clownish – people sitting very still, no smiles, no movement, with a pressured expression of non-expression.
Only the cat shows movement, liveliness.
There’s no place for camouflage
The snake is a symbol that has played a big part in my dreams guiding me through transition in my life. It sheds old skin revealing new skin – a new life – which is also in line with the moon and its phases.
I am no different. Every new phase of my life has involved a dying off of the old, revealing something new in me.